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How to Pick the Best Solar Panels for your Project

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

Many commercial businesses across a wide range of industries are cutting expenses by installing solar panels that transform sunlight into useful electricity. Businesses gain a major financial edge in an increasingly competitive global market by shifting away from old sources of fossil fuels and embracing a clean, renewable energy source like solar power. They also lower their carbon footprint.

In order to build a long-lasting, cost-effective solar system, you must first select the correct solar panels. Aesthetic, budgetary, and energy production goals are just a few of the aspects that go into determining which solar panels are the best. When you're looking for the best solar panels for your system, keep the following points in mind.

What factors should you consider while choosing the best solar panels for your project?

Cost per watt

Don't make a purchase solely based on the cost of solar panels but budget is an important element impacting design selections for many individuals. There are varying degrees of quality & price available to you on the market, especially from China. It is possible to buy worldwide recognized brand names at reasonable prices but also not well-known brands that offer good bang for your buck in terms of quality, warranty, service & cost. Essentially with cost, there is a variety of options but much like the wine I probably wouldn’t buy the highest or lowest priced options too often.

Panel Type: Monocrystalline vs Polycrystalline

Monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels are the two most common types. Which one you choose will have an impact on the overall appearance of your system, as well as its cost, the amount of electricity it produces, and the amount of space it covers.

Monocrystalline solar panels are distinguished by their rounded corners and black PV cells. They create more kilowatt-hours of electricity than polycrystalline panels because they have a greater conversion efficiency. Monocrystalline panels will be more productive per square foot if you want to install a solar panel system but have limited space. They are the most efficient solar panels, but they are also the most expensive, due to the more complex production process of single-crystal silicon cells.

Polycrystalline solar panels have blue-hued PV cells with straight edges. They are less efficient than monocrystalline cells, therefore you'll need more panels to get the same amount of power. Polycrystalline panels, on the other hand, are less expensive since their manufacturing method is easier. Polycrystalline panels are extremely robust, however, they have a shorter lifespan than monocrystalline panels. They are also more influenced by hot weather, which slightly limits their output on very hot days.


A manufacturer's warranty is a crucial indicator of overall panel quality. Many solar panels have a 12 & 25 year warranty and continue to function long after the warranty has expired.

Performance and craftsmanship are the two types of warranties available. The performance warranty ensures that your panels will operate at or above their rated efficiency for the life of the warranty, whereas the workmanship warranty is limited. A generous workmanship warranty shows that the manufacturer is confident in the quality of its goods.

Company History

The longevity and reputation of a solar panel manufacturer play a part in our recommendations. What good is a warranty if the company goes out of business if it may need to be used? As a result, we look for manufacturers who have a proven track record in the solar market. Every item on our list is made by a well-known and dependable company that has very strong foundations and ethical practices within China’s energy market. Most companies doing good and consistent business will build years of good reputation. In our experience, many of the supply relationships we have are over 10 years with no quality problems.

Efficiency and Output Rating

The amount of power a panel can produce is determined by its output rating and efficiency. The output rating is the number in the solar panel's name that indicates how many watts the panel will generate in ideal conditions. Higher wattage means more electricity is produced per panel, but it also means a higher price. JOG International supply sizes from 40W - 550W. Enquire about solar panels here.

The efficiency rating of a solar panel relates to how much sunshine it can convert into useful energy. Efficiencies have been increasing every year from about 16% to 21,22%. Technology is maturing all the time.

Temperature Coefficient

The best solar panels are tested in ideal conditions. Manufacturers conduct testing in a climate-controlled plant to determine panel output. The temperature coefficient is the effect of temperature on real panel output. The coefficient is the amount of efficiency lost for each degree of deviation from ideal test circumstances. Unless you live in a region that gets exceptionally hot, the temperature coefficient is usually not the most crucial variable to pay attention to. However high heat does affect the efficiency of your solar panels, resulting in lower output.

Overall Quality

You want the most value for your money when it comes to solar panels. When analyzing the quality of a certain solar panel, however, there are a few crucial aspects to consider. Another imprecise technique to evaluate a solar panel manufacturer is to look at which "tier" it belongs to. When looking at different brands, you'll probably come across lists that categorize manufacturers into tier one, tier two, and even tier three. When looking at different brands, you'll probably come across lists that categorize manufacturers into tier one, tier two, and even tier three.

Tier 1 Solar Panels

The top 2% of solar PV (photovoltaic) panel manufacturers make up Tier 1. Vertically integrated manufacturers are referred to as Tier one manufacturers. This means they have complete control over the entire manufacturing process. These companies have been producing solar panels for more than 5 years and invest considerably in research and development. They also use innovative robotic techniques. Tier one solar cell manufacturers employ the purest and highest grade silicon available. JOG International suppliers containers of Tier 1 panels from China Worldwide, enquire today.

Tier 2 Solar Panels

Tier 2 manufacturers invest less in R&D, rely on both robotic and manual assembly on production lines. Tier two manufacturers can create very good panels at reasonable prices. What is the history like, what is the service like, what is the factory production like? Often you will find a very positive supply situation in Tier 2 as not all Tier 1 suppliers are accessible direct for all customers depending on volumes and geographical location.

Tier 3 Solar Panels

90% of new solar PV manufacturers are in Tier 3. These businesses only assemble panels; they rarely make their own cells or invest in R&D. Tier 3 is the bargain basement where you are willing to possibly accept some less efficiencies, manual labor techniques, and potentially small variables in the consistency of product. This is not to say buying from Tier 3 is a bad idea, there are many good suppliers from Tier 3, enquire to JOG International who works with the best of them.

According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance Corporation (BNEF), the tier system for solar panel producers refers to how bankable a solar company is. While it is reasonable to assume that a bankable company must provide high-quality products, there are lots of solar manufacturers that do not match the tier one requirements but provide excellent panels.

Which Solar Panels Are the Best?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to the greatest solar panels for you. That answer varies depending on a number of criteria, including your budget, the amount of electricity you want to create, the amount of space you have to construct the system, and your aesthetic concerns.

You'll need to identify a product sourcing firm because you won't always be able to acquire solar panels straight from the manufacturer easily and it can be risky in Tier 2 & 3. Going with a product sourcing company that operates as a third-party vendor for the solar manufacturer you wish to engage with is great. This is because, if a problem arises, the time it takes to resolve it will be significantly reduced. At JOG International Limited, we will maximize your budget and space by supplying panels to meet your specific goals, whether they're financial, energy-related, aesthetically driven, or a mix of all three. Do you need pricing for solar panels? For the best solar panels and complete systems for your project, contact one of our solar experts.

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